Monday, May 21, 2007

Jerry Falwell

It has been a week since Jerry Falwell died. I, like many of my readers, was actually joyful when he was dead. I was elated that one more Fundamentalist Christian was going to be poisoning the name of Christianity. However, I was no better than the man himself for being joyful in his passing. He may have praised God when certain people died, but to be happy about his death makes me or anyone else no better than he was.

However, it irritates me when people become indignant when critics bring up Falwell's less-than-Christian deeds. He may have done a great deal for the Christian right, and if he has done charity work, that's great! Still, the man is not above reproach. No mortal is. If people expect Muslims to root out the extremists in their camps, then Christians should not be afraid to call out the nuts in Christianity when they see them. Criticism of certain religious "leader" is not an attack on Christianity as a whole, just as criticism of Muslim extremists is not an attack on Islam as a whole.

I send my condolences to his family, friends, and supporters, but individuals, including religious leaders, speak for themselves.

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