Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well, I have decided to take a hiatus from LastStopHell yet again. This time, it is official. I'm getting out of there for good.

LastStopHell is an imflammatory Hellfire Fundamentalist website. Don't even go there if you are sensitive or easily triggered, or have an obsessive (and perhaps compulsive) mindset. I used to go there as a follower of Hellfire Fundamentalism, but a year later, I can't stand to see the garbage that goes on. I have been going there to counter the Fundamentalists there, but to no avail. Nothing many people say can steer the Fundamentalists from their thinking.

The moderaters regularly delete and edit posts that contain remarks which with they do not agree (even with remarks from people with a different brand of Christianity than their own), and they have recently lied and slandered a non-Christian moderator and stripped him of his power. It's basically a virtual Fundamentalist church.

It's a Christian site, and yes, they technically have the right to run their website however they wish, but it turns more people away from Christianity. If there is a Satanic website, it's this place.

I'm not posting the URL. Having this problem myself, I know others may be tempted to go look after being warned of its offensive material.


Anonymous said...

What was the name of the non-Christian moderator you refer to? I initially made my account when the forum was littered with people flaming and I mocked the fundamentalist values like 80% of the other users, then when the admin came back out of nowhere he asked me to be a mod for who knows what reason. Then after the place took off in the direction of its current state I got fed up and left, and realized I was demodded during my break. What kind of stuff did they say? What did you mean by slander? (BTW the admin lied to me about a scalpal infection after I found out someone with the same username posted on a hairloss forum about it. I asked him about it and he said he was letting his brother use his account there, never mind the fact that he only made one post there rofl.

Redkora said...

Wow...this is a really old entry of mine, back when I was watching the drama on LastStopHell. I really don't remember what was said exactly, sorry...maybe I was overreacting at the time.

There's really no way to go back and find out, unless you're a wiz at finding old forum records. The LSH forms has been wiped twice that I know of, so it must have been lost in one of the wipes.

Well, I'm glad that you see humor in the situation. Looking back, the whole thing seems really silly.