Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Transcript Of My Posts In The Shoutbox At

Yeah, I have internet access at my relatives' house, away from the possible danger zone. The posts go from most recent to oldest. I did this because there have been cases in which the administration at this site has deleted posts and shouts that contain material (which do not always include "obscenity," I have had a shout of mine deleted and it did not contain obscene material that I can remember) with which they do not agree. I also thought it would be alright to share this. If you're not into this sort of thing, by all means, skip this part. I can not say that I am perfect, and I have trouble holding on to my faith sometimes. This was really directed at some people who were trying to prove that the impending disaster was proof that we are in the End Times here and now (meaning, Jesus could return within the next 20 years and being almost certain of it).

21 09 2005 09:48:48
Shadow: Meaning, that things should not be lumped into End Time happenings until the disaster actually happens. The End Times will come sooner or later, the key is to keep the faith until then, and actually have faith when it happens.
21 09 2005 09:46:51
Shadow: I think people should wait until after the event has passed before proclaiming the closeness of the End Times. If people want to argue, they will argue whether it has not actually happened or even after the fact.
21 09 2005 09:31:06
Shadow: Latest From [Please refer to the link below, I edited this for space purposes.]

[The link is no longer available.] Seriously, though, is saying that it might weaken significantly right after it hits land.

Everyone take care, now.


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Redkora said...

Well, people may think that this is a scam. Take care!