Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thoughts on One Aspect of Fundamentalist Christian Behavior

Many (keyword: many) Fundamentalist Christians would like to have other people's opinions silenced because they feel that an alternative opinion is a threat to their faith, and in church settings, their "authority" as well.

Most of these Fundamentalist Christians go into demonizing their oppponents in hopes of uniting "the flock" behind their cause. This often works within the group, but the rest of society usually sees the said Fundamentalist as a wack-job.

However, being called a wack-job often reinforces Fundamentalists' viewpoints because of their interpretation of one of Jesus' warnings (that Christians will be persecuted in the last days) to apply almost exculsively to their group, or their group and other radicals.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cold! Finally!

Where I live, it actually became cold after a week of warm weather. I am not going to disclose my location on this blog (at least for now), but it's gorgeous outside! Our lowest humidity for today was 20% (very low for where I live), and the stars are so bright tonight!

I hope everyone is doing well, and hopefully we'll all have some less-violent weather soon, heh.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Take On Christian Fundamentalism

Something I wrote in response to what someone observed about Christian Fundamentalism:

That's fundamentalism for you. Fundamentalism (of any kind) invades the mind and spreads like a cancer, and all that matters is proving one's point. Unfortunately, the mind is so clouded and closed up that any reaction at all from people only justifies it to themselves.

What I have seen in this thread saddens me because this sort of preaching (not only about homosexuality, but about anything else the deluded mindset drives the person to attack, or "warn" of) only drives people away from Jesus. It sickens me, and it saddens me.

I will have to applaud Space for raising his voice when I was too much of a chicken myself to do so. It is religious fundamentalism of any religion, Christian, Muslim, or whatever that paints the respective diety as a vindictive, manipulative, hateful God. I am not mocking here. I am saying this from my own experience in Fundamentalism and being in contact with others who have been abused by the perpetrators of Fundamentalism.

It hurts. It's abusive. And Fundamentalism is literally killing the spirits of people by spouting what it spout causes people to spout.

It almost makes me cry to think about what Fundamentalism does. It makes me so angry I want to do something that I should not, and so I am speaking up in this post.

I hate Fundamentalism. It's a disease. It infects and destroys. It kills, steals, and destroys souls.

I hope that one day Fundamentalists look at their belief system and think about what they are doing. When I thought about what I did in my turn in the system, my heart was wrenched. It still aches now.

There are people who are dealing with severe mental disorders from the abuse of Christian Fundamentalism. There are people so damaged that they have come to hate Christianity. It's sad, but it's another testament to Fundamentalism's damage.

Please read this, don't delete this immediately. I am saving a copy of this message.

I will also have to add that insecurity is one of the main fuels of Fundamentalism. I was unsure of my Fundamentalist faith, and in turn, I became even more of a Fundamentalist to cover for it.

Now, let's see if I can keep from breaking down in the face of rebukes by the other site this time.