Sunday, October 30, 2005


This actually turned out to be a cool movie. Basically, it is based on the TV series, Firefly It's a show that follows the misadventures of a crooked crew led by a rugged captain with a Texan accent. It's a spaceship show with a western feel to it, although it does contain some Asian elements as well. Read about the movie for yourself:

Serenity Info From IMDB

And a quiz!

"The Shepherd"

Which Firefly character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Blogthings Stuff

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Very popular, one of you is not enough.

There's no one way to eat a Reases. (Stop that, sickos!)

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Shark

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Polar Bear

You have a strong character - you are an aggressive, ambitious, go-getter.
You were born to lead.

I may not subscribe to the view of reincarnation, but this was fun anyway. Probably the easiest animal personality test I have ever taken.

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Bots And Hurricane Aftereffects

As someone else has addressed advertisements being added to the comments section, I will also mention that I have been finding advertisements in my comments as well. I still want people outside the Blogger network to be able to post, though, but I hope that the administration takes note of the ads.

Also, I am still getting over the cumulative stress of dealing with Hurricane Rita. The stress of watching the hurricane explode into a category five (the strongest type of hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale), going through my things and deciding what to take, getting my two cats drugged and put in their carriers, closing down the house, not sleeping in my own bed and worrying about many of the what ifs that one couse have in his mind, and other things those who have evacuated from a hurricane may understand. Thankfully, Hurricane Rita did not hit Houston head-on.

Even though I logically know that there are others who are worse off (such as those who lost everything in any given disaster and those who were in traffic for an insane number of hours), I am still extremely worn out from the whole thing. We arrived at our destination on Wednesday before noon, and we were back in Houston around eightish in the morning. I'm weak, tired, achy, unable at times to keep my balance, and generally disinterested in my classes. I'm depressed, irratible, agressive, and want to keep my IRL social interaction at a minimum. I have been staying off my messenger services because I am too tired mentally to keep up with someone else in a realtime chat. My psychiatrist told me that it would take a while to get over the exhaustion, and another psychiatrist on TV said that it could take three weeks to get over it. I have been less-than-Christian lately.

When I was in the town to which I evacuated, I went off on a Hellfire Fundamentalist on-line. I snapped at those who were trying to help me. While I must admit my actions were wrong, I still need to rest. I am considering staying out of internet socialization if I can help it for a couple of days.

Take care, everyone. I am sorry for the hurt I have caused.