I just got home. Everything is fine.
I just hope everyone else is doing okay. Send your prayers and good thoughts to those in East Texas, West Luisiana, and area hit by Hurricane Katrina.
Take care, everyone.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Transcript Of My Posts In The Shoutbox At LastStopHell.com
Yeah, I have internet access at my relatives' house, away from the possible danger zone. The posts go from most recent to oldest. I did this because there have been cases in which the administration at this site has deleted posts and shouts that contain material (which do not always include "obscenity," I have had a shout of mine deleted and it did not contain obscene material that I can remember) with which they do not agree. I also thought it would be alright to share this. If you're not into this sort of thing, by all means, skip this part. I can not say that I am perfect, and I have trouble holding on to my faith sometimes. This was really directed at some people who were trying to prove that the impending disaster was proof that we are in the End Times here and now (meaning, Jesus could return within the next 20 years and being almost certain of it).
Everyone take care, now.
21 09 2005 09:48:48
Shadow: Meaning, that things should not be lumped into End Time happenings until the disaster actually happens. The End Times will come sooner or later, the key is to keep the faith until then, and actually have faith when it happens.
21 09 2005 09:46:51
Shadow: I think people should wait until after the event has passed before proclaiming the closeness of the End Times. If people want to argue, they will argue whether it has not actually happened or even after the fact.
21 09 2005 09:31:06
Shadow: Latest From AccuWeather.com: [Please refer to the link below, I edited this for space purposes.]
[The link is no longer available.] Seriously, though, AccuWeather.com is saying that it might weaken significantly right after it hits land.
Everyone take care, now.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Hurricane Concerns
I may not be posting here from Wednesday through perhaps all of next week. Just wanted you to know in case you want to contact me during that time.
I hope everyone stays safe.
I hope everyone stays safe.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
When Is It Enough?
I know that Christs' followers are supposed to "bear each other's burdens," but when is it time to realize one can not be of help any longer?
I have been conversing with this guy who possibly has borderline personality disorder for about three months now. He also has HOCD, OCD in which the sufferer is fearful that he/she might be gay. There is some good info on HOCD on the BrainPsychics website. Anyway...
It's very stressful, and it is like talking to a rebellious sixteen-year-old with the mind of a five year old (what I think a five-year-old is, anyway). This person is twenty years old. I know I probably should never have gotten into any sort of pen-pal relationship, but I can not leave it now. We're not romantically involved, though.
All I can do is to love the guy. I am not a psychiatrist or a therapist. I am only a junior in college. I have OCD myself. I just do not know what to say to this person. Lately, I have been more stern with him, but I am still fearful of possibly pushing him over the edge. My therapist tells me that if he kills himself, it's his choice, but a part of me says I would be responsible. I have nursed this person through suicidal thoughts three times. This person cuts himself. It's difficult, especially since he just about clings to me.
I feel guilty for wanting to walk away from him, but he always talks about how he is so alone, and that everyone treats him badly. I have been more stern with him to see if he would respond to that, but from what he says, he is going to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. I do not know where he lives, and I do not want to get personally involved to the point I actually see him in person. He has talked about being violent, and I feel very uncomfortable chatting with him.
I'm not a psychiatrist. Is there one out there, or any other professional in the field of psychology? Two others from the field have told me that it would be okay to cut off communication if I had to, and I can not stay off a certain messaging service forever. A Christian response would be of great help, too.
I have been conversing with this guy who possibly has borderline personality disorder for about three months now. He also has HOCD, OCD in which the sufferer is fearful that he/she might be gay. There is some good info on HOCD on the BrainPsychics website. Anyway...
It's very stressful, and it is like talking to a rebellious sixteen-year-old with the mind of a five year old (what I think a five-year-old is, anyway). This person is twenty years old. I know I probably should never have gotten into any sort of pen-pal relationship, but I can not leave it now. We're not romantically involved, though.
All I can do is to love the guy. I am not a psychiatrist or a therapist. I am only a junior in college. I have OCD myself. I just do not know what to say to this person. Lately, I have been more stern with him, but I am still fearful of possibly pushing him over the edge. My therapist tells me that if he kills himself, it's his choice, but a part of me says I would be responsible. I have nursed this person through suicidal thoughts three times. This person cuts himself. It's difficult, especially since he just about clings to me.
I feel guilty for wanting to walk away from him, but he always talks about how he is so alone, and that everyone treats him badly. I have been more stern with him to see if he would respond to that, but from what he says, he is going to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. I do not know where he lives, and I do not want to get personally involved to the point I actually see him in person. He has talked about being violent, and I feel very uncomfortable chatting with him.
I'm not a psychiatrist. Is there one out there, or any other professional in the field of psychology? Two others from the field have told me that it would be okay to cut off communication if I had to, and I can not stay off a certain messaging service forever. A Christian response would be of great help, too.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
More Quizzes
The Selectsmart site is really irritating even with Firefox, so I'm messing with Quizilla.

What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are pretty much the coolest animal, a Liger.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are pretty much the coolest animal, a Liger.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, September 09, 2005
New Forum
A person who has been a great help to me in overcoming my Hellfire Fundamentalism has started a forum about fundamentalism. Here it is:
Beware the Scribes.Net Forum
Beware the Scribes.Net Forum
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I have been sick lately, and this has been causing my OCD to spike a bit. While I can handle these spikes, sometimes they plough through anyway. I just have to work through it and gradually redirect my energies elswhere. I accept that I will have spikes. OCD is not cureable (unless there is a miracle), but it can be treated with therapy and medication. Other than that, I have to do my own work and get through the spikes without letting them get to me too much. I have been fortunate to have caught my OCD early on, but I can not imagine the pain others with much severe cases.
For all of you out there, keep going, and do not give up. Believe that you can make it. I know that I am not any of you, but as a sufferer of OCD, I know that it takes just about all of my energy to get through the hard times. It's scary. When I spike, it seems so real. So real, in fact, that the depression that stems from my anxiety puts me into a mental suicidal stupor. Thanks to treatment and hard work, I am able to realize that even in these dark times, there is always hope.
You can make it. There is always hope. Never forget that.
For all of you out there, keep going, and do not give up. Believe that you can make it. I know that I am not any of you, but as a sufferer of OCD, I know that it takes just about all of my energy to get through the hard times. It's scary. When I spike, it seems so real. So real, in fact, that the depression that stems from my anxiety puts me into a mental suicidal stupor. Thanks to treatment and hard work, I am able to realize that even in these dark times, there is always hope.
You can make it. There is always hope. Never forget that.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
According to Tickle, I am Chewbacca!
"No disrespect to your hair stylist, but you have more in common with Chewbacca the loyal Wookie than you might think. Like "Chewey," you are a powerful force to be reckoned with. Whether you are playing pick-up sports with friends or interviewing for a job, your competitive nature is virtually unbeatable (and more than a little intimidating). But you have a definite gentle side too — a part of you that is more bark than bite and even longs for a cuddle or two.
When it comes to friends, it's quality not quantity. And you're usually the first one on the scene when someone needs a little rescuing (emotional or otherwise). You have a simple sense of right and wrong, and when someone crosses the line, you let them know. You're the ideal righthand man/woman — strong, stable, and ultimately incorruptible."
The Classic Star Wars Test
"No disrespect to your hair stylist, but you have more in common with Chewbacca the loyal Wookie than you might think. Like "Chewey," you are a powerful force to be reckoned with. Whether you are playing pick-up sports with friends or interviewing for a job, your competitive nature is virtually unbeatable (and more than a little intimidating). But you have a definite gentle side too — a part of you that is more bark than bite and even longs for a cuddle or two.
When it comes to friends, it's quality not quantity. And you're usually the first one on the scene when someone needs a little rescuing (emotional or otherwise). You have a simple sense of right and wrong, and when someone crosses the line, you let them know. You're the ideal righthand man/woman — strong, stable, and ultimately incorruptible."
The Classic Star Wars Test
Monday, September 05, 2005
OCD Sites to Visit, Theological Ramblings and a Summer Cold
First of all, I give my sincere condolences to those who have lost someone, their belongings, and/or went through Hurricane Katrina. I do not believe that God sent Hurricane Katrina. I believe it is simply a product of the climatic cycle of the year. My hope is that we pull together and give aid and comfort to one another as people recover.
The Hunger Site
FEMA, links to Charity Organizations
Network for Good
The third one has a section listing charities for animal rescues.
I know it would have been smart to post these OCD links sooner, but here are some anyway. I will post more as I come across other sites.
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation of Chicago
The Brainphysics Site
The Brainphysics Forum
A Personal Testimony about Scrupulosity
Just a note: I do not necessarily agree with everything on the sites to which I link on this blog. For one, I am losing belief in eternal torment. I have been getting the sense that eternal torment is not the case, and another person who says that he is a Christian (a person to which I owe much of my reovery from Hellfire Fundamentalism) recently said that he does not believe in it either, so that made me feel more comfortable with the idea. I do am still not sure about Universal Reconciliation, though. I am leaning toward annihlation, or just staying in a place separate from God without any tactile torment (however that could happen in the spiritual realm).
Even if the torment of the Lake of Fire is temporary, it is not a license to wallow in one's vices. I have this temptation, and I am working on it. Even if the punishment is just a purification process, I do not think any sane being would want to make his or her stay longer, given how intense the "fire" is said to be.
One idea I had floating around in my head was that since it is said that those in the Lake of Fire (at least those who have worshipped the Beast and his image) are tormented in the presence of Jesus, it is the fire of God that keeps it aflame. God is said to be "a consuming fire," and the experiences I have had with a force after talking to God, I think this may be put as God's prescense. What I sensed felt beautiful, and I felt wanted. At the same time, this force was painful, and I was afraid that I could be ripped apart if I let it get too close. Once, it did come close, and I was just about floored. It felt like spiritual fire being poured into my body, purifying my being.
Still, from other passages I read in the Bible, I am still not ready to totally throw Eternal Torment out the window. It's horribly shallow, but I just do not think I can do right unless there is a certain fear of God's wrath there. This could remain even if I believed in Universal Salvation (temporary punishment), but the difference between however long it takes to punish someone and eternity is a very large difference. An infinite difference, one could say.
I am also recovering from a summer cold, go me. I have read other testimonies in which people say that being sick makes OCD spike, and I have ascertained that this is the case for me as well.
The Hunger Site
FEMA, links to Charity Organizations
Network for Good
The third one has a section listing charities for animal rescues.
I know it would have been smart to post these OCD links sooner, but here are some anyway. I will post more as I come across other sites.
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation of Chicago
The Brainphysics Site
The Brainphysics Forum
A Personal Testimony about Scrupulosity
Just a note: I do not necessarily agree with everything on the sites to which I link on this blog. For one, I am losing belief in eternal torment. I have been getting the sense that eternal torment is not the case, and another person who says that he is a Christian (a person to which I owe much of my reovery from Hellfire Fundamentalism) recently said that he does not believe in it either, so that made me feel more comfortable with the idea. I do am still not sure about Universal Reconciliation, though. I am leaning toward annihlation, or just staying in a place separate from God without any tactile torment (however that could happen in the spiritual realm).
Even if the torment of the Lake of Fire is temporary, it is not a license to wallow in one's vices. I have this temptation, and I am working on it. Even if the punishment is just a purification process, I do not think any sane being would want to make his or her stay longer, given how intense the "fire" is said to be.
One idea I had floating around in my head was that since it is said that those in the Lake of Fire (at least those who have worshipped the Beast and his image) are tormented in the presence of Jesus, it is the fire of God that keeps it aflame. God is said to be "a consuming fire," and the experiences I have had with a force after talking to God, I think this may be put as God's prescense. What I sensed felt beautiful, and I felt wanted. At the same time, this force was painful, and I was afraid that I could be ripped apart if I let it get too close. Once, it did come close, and I was just about floored. It felt like spiritual fire being poured into my body, purifying my being.
Still, from other passages I read in the Bible, I am still not ready to totally throw Eternal Torment out the window. It's horribly shallow, but I just do not think I can do right unless there is a certain fear of God's wrath there. This could remain even if I believed in Universal Salvation (temporary punishment), but the difference between however long it takes to punish someone and eternity is a very large difference. An infinite difference, one could say.
I am also recovering from a summer cold, go me. I have read other testimonies in which people say that being sick makes OCD spike, and I have ascertained that this is the case for me as well.
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